A passion for wine
accessible to everyone
On Cashiswine, sell your wines at maturity and find treasures from the best cellars.
Free, immediate and non-binding estimate of your wines
We sell your wines at the best price, a 100% winning formula.
Do you want to find out the value of your wines ?
Have your wines appraised
We have the wine you need
Always on the lookout for the best, Cashiswine offers you wines that you can't find anywhere else and that you should try once in your life before they disappear forever. We offer wines from our own inventory.
Go and have a look around to find your rare pearl.
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How Cashiswine works ?

Paul bought a case of Chasse Spleen 1989 a few years ago. Today, he would like to make room in his cellar and would like to resell his bottles.
He goes to Cashiswine and immediately gets an estimate, at a selling price based on the real value of his wines.
After validation of the offer, Cashiswine sends Paul a reinforced box to ship his wines safely.
Cashiswine carefully checks the condition and authenticity of each bottle and then makes the payment to Paul.
Paul's bottles are put on sale at the best price without delay.
Sylvie, a wine enthusiast, is looking for exactly this wine and this vintage for her son's 18th birthday. She goes to Cashiswine, buys two and receives them within three days.

Our guarantees

Verification of the conformity of wines by our experts

Immediate availability, at the right price

Confidential and secure payment

Fast delivery and guaranteed without breakage

A passion for wine

La vente de boissons alcoolisés aux mineurs est strictement interdite. 

Pour acheter sur Cashiswine vous devez donc avoir plus de 18 ans.