Selling wine is not improvised !

I remember a friend who took care to build a very beautiful cellar. A professional transfer had finally forced him to part with his patiently accumulated bottles of wine. But when he undertook the sale of the first bottle, it was necessary to face the facts, to part with a wine is never an easy matter for an individual. It can even be a combatant’s course.

However, selling a wine should not be a source of stress! Finding a buyer can take a long time to get a good price. It is necessary to constantly renew the ads without guarantee of purchase in return. The other big risk is that you’ll end up with an unscrupulous buyer and you won’t get a penny. So better to be vigilant !

I offered this friend to sell his wines online. I recommended a digital solution that allows individuals to sell their wines in a few clicks, at their fair value and safely :

Simply go to the site and enter the information specific to each wine. An online estimate is proposed and the price is calculated according to the demand and the state of conservation of the wine. If this estimate is satisfactory, the individual can then order his «Wine Pack» to sell his wine, without fear of a scam. In return, they will receive a secure transfer of the agreed amount. It is simple, fast and avoids unpleasant surprises.

Testimony of Nicolas D. 

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La vente de boissons alcoolisés aux mineurs est strictement interdite. 

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