Is it legal to find French wines on Cashiswine without « Marianne » ?

Capsule droit accise CRD Marianne bouteille impôt paiement circulation commercialisation territoire national obligatoire facture acquittée simplification administrative légal filière viticole traçabilité opérateur compétitivité marché export gagner facture reçu CB ticket de caisse propriété caviste détaillant rachat de cave rachat de vin vieux millésimes preuve achat reçu paiement achat site internet Cashiswine consommateur récoltant négociant livraison administration étiquette mention conformité authentification dispositif création généralisation capsule Cloé champagne SGV interprofession

The «Marianne» affixed to the cap of French wine bottles is none other than the Capsule Représentative de Droits (CRD). Its presence on the bottle attests to the payment of excise duties in France and allows the legal marketing as well as the free movement of bottles on the national territory.

Capsule droit accise CRD Marianne bouteille impôt paiement circulation commercialisation territoire national obligatoire facture acquittée simplification administrative légal filière viticole traçabilité opérateur compétitivité marché export gagner facture reçu CB ticket de caisse propriété caviste détaillant rachat de cave rachat de vin vieux millésimes preuve achat reçu paiement achat site internet Cashiswine consommateur récoltant négociant livraison administration étiquette mention conformité authentification dispositif création généralisation capsule Cloé champagne SGV interprofession


DRC has been mandatory since 1960 for cylinders for which excise duty has been paid.

As part of the Administrative Simplification for Companies, the Order of 12 June 2018 removes this mandatory nature as of 1 June 2019.

Since then, in France, bottles of wine have to circulate with an accompanying document. Operators in the wine sector who bottle wine will now have the choice to continue affixing the CRD or to use one of the other movement titles ensuring the traceability of the product.

This new simplification measure allows wine sector operators to gain competitiveness and gain new export markets.

What happens when an individual buys a bottle without CRD on Cashiswine ?

Previously, he only had to ensure the presence of a CRD.

Today, for all bottles without CRD, the individual will have to juggle with several types of movement titles (invoice of the collector when he buys at the property, receipt CB or receipt when he buys at a retailer).

For each bottle purchased on the website without CRD, the buyer should keep the proof of purchase and/or receipt of payment.

CRD used to be a choice criterion for some consumers. What is it today ?

The DRC used to mention N or R, “trader” or “harvester”, which was a criterion of choice. Even if it is no longer mandatory, operators in the sector who wish to do so will be able to maintain the CRD. For others who decide to opt for the neutral capsule for their deliveries on the national market will be able to customize their capsule by adding the mention «collecting» for example but provided not to include «Marianne», not to use any of the colours of the CRD capsule, not to mention numbers that might suggest that it is a model approved by the administration, and finally, provided that this statement “harvesting” is in accordance with the label.


Capsule droit accise CRD Marianne bouteille impôt paiement circulation commercialisation territoire national obligatoire facture acquittée simplification administrative légal filière viticole traçabilité opérateur compétitivité marché export gagner facture reçu CB ticket de caisse propriété caviste détaillant rachat de cave rachat de vin vieux millésimes preuve achat reçu paiement achat site internet Cashiswine consommateur récoltant négociant livraison administration étiquette mention conformité authentification dispositif création généralisation capsule Cloé champagne SGV interprofession


To date, CRD has been incorrectly identified as an authentication and traceability tool. Whether it is mandatory or not, the consumer today relies primarily on the label. If the professionals decide to create a traceability system, which does not exist today, it will be up to them to do so and to decide on its generalization within the interprofession, as was done for the capsule Cloé en Champagne.

Capsule droit accise CRD Marianne bouteille impôt paiement circulation commercialisation territoire national obligatoire facture acquittée simplification administrative légal filière viticole traçabilité opérateur compétitivité marché export gagner facture reçu CB ticket de caisse propriété caviste détaillant rachat de cave rachat de vin vieux millésimes preuve achat reçu paiement achat site internet Cashiswine consommateur récoltant négociant livraison administration étiquette mention conformité authentification dispositif création généralisation capsule Cloé champagne SGV interprofession

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