Category « Downgraded products » : What’s that mean ?

Rubrique, produit déclassé, déstockage, bonnes affaires, quézako, cashiswine, internet, vente, vin, rouge, blanc, rosé, effervescent, conservation, imperfection, commercialisation, optimale, décote, constatation, défaut, buvabilité, consommable, modification, goût, saveur, altération, visuellement, impropre, jugement, estimation, contenu, contenant, consommation, résultat, perception, différence, propre, information, bouteille, verre, fiche produit, photos, disponible, stock, descriptif, conservation, explication, niveau des vins, cohérent, ancienneté, alsace, bordeaux, bourgogne, parfait, bas, goulot, épaule, cheval, romanée conti, monopole, alsace grand cru, robe des vins, violet, rubis, grenat, brun, citron, doré, ambré, rose, violacé, saumon, orangé, évolution, maturité, âge, jeunesse, vieillissement, habillage, vieux millésimes, excès, insuffisance, humidité, qualité, maximum, coiffe, capsule, collerette, étiquette, médaillon, contre-étiquette, CRD, Capsule Représentative de Droit, Champagne, Pommery, Cuvée, Réserve, tacheté, abîmé, identification, supplémentaire, dépôt, matière organique, aspect, vivant, variations, température, gravelle, cristaux, tartre, neutre, odeur, paroi, sédimentation, composant, molécule, couleur, tanin, quantité, perte, grands crus, appellation, bas prix

A new section has been specially created on the website to offer for sale wines in good condition of preservation but with some imperfections that do not allow optimal marketing. These are therefore offered for sale with a more or less significant discount depending on the imperfections observed.

All these imperfections do not call into question the «drinkability» of the wine, but they can change the taste.

Please note : We do not offer for sale wines that we consider visually unfit for consumption due to a strong likely alteration of the content.

Tastes and flavors are unique to each individual. The result is inevitable differences in wine perception. It is not the wine that is not good, it is simply that it does not suit you.

For all the wines present in this section, we provide a maximum of information on the bottles both on the container and on the contents. Each product sheet is accompanied by one or more photos.

If several bottles are available in stock, the photo and description will refer to the least well preserved bottle.


Some explanations to understand visually the level of the wines

We only offer wines with levels consistent with their age.


Some explanations to understand the wine’s colour visually

We only offer wines with a dress consistent with their age.


Some explanations to understand visually the appearance of the wines

The dressing of old vintages is at the same time victim of excess as the lack of moisture without altering the quality of the wine.

We provide as much information as possible in the product sheets on the condition of the dressing of each wine, accompanied by one or more photos.

The dressing of a bottle is the set of elements that is affixed to it in order to market it.


We mention the condition of the dressing according to the following scale :

Quelques exemples :


Please note : Labels can be both damaged and stained.

We do not offer for sale wines without caps.

We do not offer for sale wines whose origin can be identified by a strong alteration of the label.


Some additional explanations provided in the product sheets

The presence of deposit in the wine is therefore quite normal and testifies to the living aspect of the product which is made of organic matter. The quantity and nature of the deposit depends on the storage conditions. Sudden temperature variations lead to “gravels”, small tartar crystals. Absolutely neutral (neither flavor, nor smell) and without affecting the taste, but their presences testify to a preservation that was not optimal.

Concerning the deposits, often at the bottom of the bottle, sometimes glued to the wall, are the result of sedimentation of several components of the wine: molecules of colors and tannins. In large quantities, this deposit testifies to a conservation that has not been optimal, which could lead to a loss of colour of the wine.


This is the paradise of bargains !

In this section you will find wines at prices defying all competition for all tastes and desires. It is also an opportunity to discover Grands Crus that are unaffordable in other circumstances, to test other appellations or simply to indulge at a lower cost.

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La vente de boissons alcoolisés aux mineurs est strictement interdite. 

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